Data Sets for GIS ProjectsAlaska National ParksARC/INFO export files and ArcView shapefiles for the National Parks of Alaska Antarctica Digital Database Vector-based GIS data for the continent of Antarctica. In ARC/INFO export files. Arizona Geographic Information Council AGIC is an organization established to guide the development and management of GIS in Arizona. Links to numerous data sources for Arizona. Austin, Texas GIS GIS data sets developed by the City of Austin's Infrastructure Support Services Department. In ArcView shapefiles. Excellent data set. Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure Numerous data sets on Canada. Center for International Earth Science Information Network Numerous data sets on United States and World variables. Chicago GIS Data ArcView shapefiles for data about Chi-town. Coastline Extractor Extract coastline segments bounded by a specified latitude/longitude range. Output formats include Mapgen files, ARC/INFO Ungenerate files, Matlab files, and Splus files. Digital Chart of the World Data Server ARC/INFO export files and ArcView shapefiles for the Digital Chart of the World. Hosted by Pennsylvania State University. ESRI's ArcData On-Line ArcView shapefiles available on-line for numerous data sources and different regions around the globe. ESRI's Data Hound Search the ESRI site for various data sets. Fedstats: One Stop Shopping for Federal Statistics Fedstats provides access to data from more than 70 agencies in the United States Federal Government. Florida's Statewide Ocean Resource Inventory (SORI) SORI incorporates a data browsing and querying tool into a robust database that is distributed via the Internet. This dynamic mapping tool houses nearly one gigabyte of GIS data, cites the Florida Administrative Code and federal regulations for Florida's managed lands, and provides metadata for many of the online datasets. Geographic Information North Carolina North Carolina is dedicated to sharing information about our digital geographic data resources. GeoGratis GeoGratis maintains the base map data for Canada. This data is available in ARC/INFO export and AutoCad dxf and dwg files. Geological Maps of California and Nevada ARC/INFO export files and ArcView shapefiles for various geological maps of California and Nevada. Geological Maps of Utah ArcView shapefiles for various geological maps of Utah. Geological Symbol Sets for ARC/INFO Excellent ARC/INFO symbol set for geology, based on USGS standard symbols. Georgia River Data ARC/INFO export files for the five main rivers in Georgia. Geospatial Data Clearinghouse Gateway The Geospatial Data Clearinghouse is a collection of over 100 spatial data servers, that have digital geographic data primarily for use in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), image processing systems, and other modeling software. These data collections can be searched through a single interface based on their descriptions, or metadata. Global Change Master Directory The GCMD offers data set descriptions in a standard format, the Directory Interchange Format (DIF). The DIF holds a specific set of information fields in a database to assist in normalizing the search for data set information. Global Statistics A relatively large collection of data ranging from country profiles (provinces and main cities) to the highest mountains in the world, to a list of all countries in the world with their capitals, surface area and population. Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument GIS ARC/INFO export files of various physical and cultural features around the Monument at varying scales of 1:24,000, 1:100,000 and 1:250,000. Great Lakes Information Network GLIN is a partnership that provides one place online for people to find information relating to the bi-national Great Lakes region. Thanks to its strong network of state, provincial, federal and regional partner agencies and organizations, GLIN has become a necessary component of informed decision-making, and a trusted and reliable source of information for those who live, work or have an interest in the Great Lakes region. Hawaii Statewide GIS ARC/INFO export files and ArcView shapefiles for various cultural, physical and land cover data sets for Hawaii. Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study GIS Coverages ARC/INFO export files for the data sets collected about Hubbard Brook, New Hampshire Illinois Natural Resources Geospatial Data ARC/INFO export files for the natural resources of Illinois. Indiana Geographic Information Server INGIS (INdiana Geographic Information Server) is being designed to provide the GIS facilities to encourage, enhance and facilitate water and other natural resources research projects. Iowa Department of Natural Resources The purpose of the NRGIS is to improve the availability, integration, and analysis of natural resource information and improve decisions regarding the management, development and protection of Iowa's natural resources. MapData Online: Free and Sample Data Sets MapInfo MIF files and ArcView shapefiles for seleted data sets. Michigan Department of Natural Resources' Spatial Data Library ArcView shapefiles for numerous environmental and baseline data sets. Montana State Library Natural Resources Data ARC/INFO export files and ArcView shapefiles for the natural resources of Montana. National Grasslands Maps for the National Grasslands of the United States. Selected data sets are provided by the National Wetlands Inventory, US Bureau of the Census, and US Geological Survey. 1995 TIGER Data 1995 TIGER Files in ArcView shapefiles. Located at the ESRI ArcData On-Line site. A fantastic resource, provided at no cost by ESRI. North Central Texas Council of Governments GIS data sets for 16 counties in north-central Texas. Data in ARC/INFO export files, ArcView shapefiles, Intergraph DGN files, and AutoCad DXF files. Northampton County, Virginia GIS ARC/INFO export files for the Virginia Coast Reserve of the Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) program. Nova Scotia Minerals and Energy Branch GIS data sets for mineral and energy resources in Nova Scotia. Data in ARC/INFO export files and AutoCad DXF files. Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis - University of Missouri A nice resource for socio-economic information and data on Missouri. Oregon Department of Forestry State Forests GIS Data State Forests GIS Data is available as ARC/INFO coverages in export file format (.e00). State Forests GIS Data is in the Oregon Lambert Projection. Pacific Northwest Stream Net StreamNet is a cooperative venture of the Pacific Northwest's fish and wildlife agencies and tribes. They provide data and data services in support of the region's Fish and Wildlife Program and other efforts to preserve and restore the region's aquatic resources. Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access "The Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access system (PASDA) is Pennsylvania's node on the National Spatial Data Infrastructure. PASDA was developed as a service to the citizens, government, and businesses of PA by the Pennsylvania State University with funding from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection." Pennsylvania State University Earth System Science Center Database The database contains a variety of geographically referenced data sets, representing both data generated by ESSC investigators, and other data needed to support their investigations, obtained from sources such as the EOS DAACs, USGS hydrology and land surface characteristics databases, and the USDA Soil Conservation Service. San Diego Association of Governments ARC/INFO export files for demographic and economic data sets of San Diego. A wonderful site. StreamNet On-Line StreamNet is a cooperative venture of the Pacific Northwest's fish and wildlife agencies and tribes. They provide data and data services in support of the region's Fish and Wildlife Program and other efforts to preserve and restore the region's aquatic resources. Texas Natural Resources Information System Awesome site. The Texas Natural Resources Information System distributes GIS and other geospatial data from a variety of sources, including federal, state and local government agencies. United Nations Population Information Network (POPIN) POPIN is a decentralized community of population institutions organized into regional and national networks in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe and Northern America. Site includes various data sets and documentation on population trends. United States Bureau of the Census Information about the Year 2000 Census and data from the Year 1990 Census. United States Environmental Protection Agency - GIS Spatial Data Access to US EPA GIS data sets at various scales and under different government bodies. United States Geological Survey - Cartographic Data USGS cartographic data on-line. Lots of good stuff. United States Geological Survey - Global Land Information System The Global Land Information System (GLIS) is an interactive computer system developed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) for scientists seeking sources of information about the Earth's land surfaces. GLIS contains metadata that is, descriptive information about data sets. Through GLIS, scientists can evaluate data sets, determine their availability, and place online requests for products. United States Geological Survey - Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center The Center freely shares a wide range of biological, physical, spatial, and technical data and information relating to the Upper Mississippi River System. University of California at Berkeley - U.S. State and Local GIS Data Resources An exceptional set of links to an abundance of GIS data at varying scales across the United States. University of South Carolina - GIS Data Server A great site for data sets of South Carolina and other areas. Data in most ESRI formats including ARC/INFO export files and ArcView shapefiles. This site, maintained by Lynn Shirley, was one of the first to offer downloads of spatial data over the web. Also, available at this site are some nice ArcView extensions. University of Virginia - Geospatial and Statistical Data Center A great site for data sets of Virginia in ARC/INFO export files. University of Wyoming Spatial Data and Visualization Center A great site for data sets of Wyoming in ARC/INFO export files and ArcView shapefiles. Vermont Agency of Transportation ArcView shapefiles containing geodetic control for the State of Vermont. Volusia County, Florida Geographic Information Service Before you take a trip to Daytona Beach, why not check the area out first with an awesome GIS data set. Data in ArcView shapefiles and AutoCad DXF files. Water Resources GIS This site serves as a node of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) for finding and accessing USGS spatial data related to water resources. World Resources Institute's Data Sets WRI provides global data sets on the Earth and its inhabitants. Coordinate ConvertersConvertConvert is a freeware conversion programs for distance, area, volume and so much more. A must utility. Corpscon Excellent conversion utility for UTM, SPC, and GRS data based upon North American Datum. Degrees-Minutes-Seconds Converter Mentor Software freebie that works great. Windows-based program. Degrees-Minutes-Seconds To Transverse Mercator Converter Nice web converter to get your geography into UTM coordinates. National Geodetic Survey PC Software A plethora of freeware conversion utilities provided by the National Geodetic Survey. A must visit for cartographers and surveyors. NIMAMUSE NIMAMUSE is a self-contained set of computer programs and computer utilities designed to work with NIMA MC&G data and information. MetaDataBureau of Land Management MetaData SiteInformation on how the BLM collects metadata. Federal Geographic Data Committee Overview of the FGDC Standards and Framework. IEEE MetaData and Data Management Information Site This site is an information source for metadata and data management issues. It contains information on upcoming events, metadata workshops, and conferences. Interactive Metadata Standard Browser FGDC Metadata Standards in an on-screen, color coded browse format. Klamath MetaData Project UC-Berkeley's Klamath Metadata Project, and sample software. The NCGIAState University of New York - Buffalo NCGIAUniversity of California - Santa Barbara NCGIA University of Maine NCGIA GIS SocietiesAAGGIS - Association of American Geographers GIS Specialty GroupAGI - Association for Geographic Information EOGIS - Eastern Oregon GIS Users Group IMAGIN - Improving Michigan's Access to Geographic Information Networks UCGIS - University Consortium for Geographic Information Science GIS HistoryGIS TimelinePractice Exercises in GISARC/INFO Tutorials (SUNY-Buffalo)GIS DictionariesAGI's GIS DictionaryGIS Journals & MagazinesGeoPlace.Com GIS MagazinesInternational Journal of Geographical Information Science College/University GIS Programs in the United StatesEarth Sciences GIS Lab (Stanford Univ.)Geographic Information Center (CSU-Sonoma) Geographic Information Systems and International Development (Clark Univ.) GIS at USC (Univ. of South Carolina) GIS Certification Program (UT-Dallas) Research Program in Environmental Planning and GIS (UC-Berkeley) School of Forest Resources & Conservation (Univ. of Florida) University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (Oregon State Univ.) College/University GIS Programs Outside the United StatesAustria:GIS Program (University of Salzburg) Australia: Centre for Remote Sensing & GIS (Univ. of New South Wales) Belgium: Institute of Geography Laboratory of Remote Sensing and Regional Analysis (Univ. Catholique de Louvain) Canada: Forest Information Resource Management Systems (Univ. of British Columbia) GIS Program (Ryerson University) Germany: GIS Program (University of Hannover) Netherlands: Department of Environmental Studies (Utrecht Univ.) Switzerland: Department of Geography-Spatial Data Handling Division (Univ. of Zurich) Laboratoire d'Ecologie et de Biologie Aquatique (Univ. of Geneva) United Kingdom Centre for Geographical Information Systems (Kingston University) GeoData Institute (University of Southampton) GIS Program (University of Edinburgh) GIS 'Starting Points'-A-A M Productions GIS VideosA M PRODUCTIONS distributes GIS-related videos for educational institutions, government agencies and the private sector. Aangstrom Precision Corporation Aangstrom provides essential integrated productivity tools and services for oil and gas exploration and production, base map maintenance, lease data management, and mapping. Able Software Able Software is a software developer for image processing applications, 3D image visualization, raster to vector conversion for GIS, and CAD data capture. AGI's GIS Resources List A nice set of links that compliment this page well. AGIS Mapping Software Commercial mapping software package. American Cancer Society's Cancer Resource Center The American Cancer Society is the largest non-government supporter of cancer research in the United States. AppsData Commercial provider of GIS-based software like MapLinx Pro and BusinessUSA. Australian Survey and Land Information Group The Australian Surveying and Land Information Group (AUSLIG) is the Commonwealth Government's primary source of advice on land information matters and is responsible for: policy, standards and coordination associated with delivery of national and international land information programs; management of the national mapping, maritime boundary, remote sensing and geodesy programs; and implementation of the Australian Spatial Data Infrastructure (ASDI). Autodesk GIS applications software. Autodesk recently acquired VISION GIS. -B-Bellefeuil, Szur, & AssociatesMichigan firm that provides mapping services to tax assessors and equalization departments. Blue Marble Geographics Commercial vendor for computer mapping utilities. Some good freeware products as well. Boulder County Land Use Department GIS Information on Boulder's GIS. Bureau of Land Management Geospatial Site Information on how the BLM utilizes GIS. -C-Caliper CorporationCommercial vendor for numerous mapping software packages. Canadian GIS Source Book The third edition of the Canadian Geomatics Source Book, the primary source of information on the Canadian geomatics community. CARIS Providing spatial information and GIS solutions for marine and land based industries. Cates Consulting Services Cates Consulting specializes in the development of applications and management of data related to geographic information systems. Center for Advanced Land Management Information Technologies (UN-Lincoln) CALMIT offers expertise in the mapping sciences that is unmatched. Lots of good information about ongoing projects and applications development that takes place at CALMIT. Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies (Univ. of Arkansas) A solid program that offers lots of good information about GIS. Center for Global and Regional Environmental Research CGRER promotes interdisciplinary efforts that focus on the multiple aspects of global environmental change, including the regional effects on natural ecosystems, environments, and resources, and on human health, culture and social systems. Center membership is composed of interested faculty members at any of Iowa's colleges and universities. Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) A non-profit, non-governmental organization to provide information that would help scientists, decision-makers, and the public better understand their changing world. Center for Mapping at Ohio State University Interdisciplinary research center focused on spatial data technologies. CIESIN's Archive Of Census Related Products The ftp archive is a collection of geo-referenced data files containing census information that spans the United States. CIESIN's Integrated Population, Land Use, and Emissions Data Project This project is an effort to link a range of geo-referenced demographic and other socioeconomic data products with remote sensing data related to land cover and use. Convergent Group Convergent Group is a consulting systems integrator that serves utilities and city/county governments. Cornell University's Digital Earth A GIS-based system with menu-driven data manipulation, search, and plotting tools designed for earth scientists' use in research and education. The Digital Earth is being designed and developed by the GIS group at Cornell University, Institute for the Study of the Continents and Department of Geological Sciences. -D-David Mark's Introduction to GIS CourseDr. David Mark's GIS course. Delorme Mapping Leading commercial vendor in cartography and mapping software. Delta Research Corporation GIS consulting group specializing in software and systems development. Demographics of SW Michigan The Demographic Data Viewer, or DDViewer, provides the Internet Community access to over 200 variables from the 1990 Census. For the purposes of this study, DDViewer was used to extract, map, and analyze general population and land area characteristics for 13 counties in SW Michigan. Deskop Mapping Technologies, Inc. Canadian publisher of street map data, and geocoding software. DMTI also provides census data and boundaries, postal geography, topographic maps, US maps & data, marketing databases and GIS services. Digital Camera Center The Digital Camera Center is a great source for top quality digital cameras at very competitive prices. Digital Matrix Services DMS develops and markets Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software known as InFoCAD and MapMaster. DPLOT Software Excellent freeware plotting software provided by the US Army Engineer Waterway Station. -E-Earth Information Systems CorporationEISYS Corp. is a geographic information technologies company serving a global clientele. Environmental GIS Guide for the Neophyte GIS for ecological scientists and resource managers. Environmental Protection Agency's Surf Your Watershed Data and maps on local watersheds throughout the United States. Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. The leader in developing and distributing mapping software for environmental studies. Environmental Systems Science Centre ESSC is an interdisciplinary research group whose remit is to develop new ways of handling spatial data for the benefit of the environmental sciences. The Centre is funded by the Natural Environment Research Council and is based at The University of Reading, England. Etak, Inc. Software developer and distributor of street maps and navigation systems. Etak, Inc. Eagle Geocoder Eagle's geocoding technology forms the basis for a variety of geocoding products and services. These products and services have been designed to cover most geocoding needs, from a full-service batch-processing bureau to desktop solutions. -F-Federal Geographic CommitteeThe Federal Geographic Data Committee coordinates the development of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI). The NSDI encompasses policies, standards, and procedures for organizations to cooperatively produce and share geographic data. ForNet The ForNet Project is a joint effort between the University of Minnesota - College of Natural Resources and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources - Division of Forestry. It provides online access to GIS and remote sensing data. Fourmilab This site contains a document describing the history of Autodesk, Inc. by John Walker (founder and former CEO). Lots of other cool things as well. Worth the visit. -G-Genasys, Inc.GIS consulting group specializing in software development. Generic Mapping Tools for Unix For all you UNIX lovers, this is the site for you. Geodyssey, Ltd. Developers of Hipparchus, an "open" toolkit that enables software developers to incorporate geography into their applications. Geographic Resources Analysis Support System Freeware UNIX-based GIS software package, now hosted by Baylor University. Now ported to Windows, which there is a small charge for. GeoGuide An internet-based subject gateway to scholarly relevant information in the Earth Sciences. GeoLytics' CensusCD GeoLytics is a provider of CD-ROM products that integrate a wealth of US Census, private and other government data with statistical and mapping tools. Geomatics Canada Geomatics Canada along with The Geological Survey of Canada (GSC), and Polar Continental Shelf Project is part of the Earth Sciences Sector of Natural Resources Canada. Geomatics Canada has been surveying and mapping the Canadian landmass for over a century. GeoPlace Commercial site that has links to lots of cool GIS information. Geoscape International Commercial mapping sources and software. GeoSystems Global GeoSystems is a commercial supplier of mapping-related products, services and technology to companies in the publishing, travel, yellow pages, and real estate markets. GeoWeb Get an inside track on the GIS job market. GERMINAL Project (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) GERMINAL is an interdisciplinary project whose goal is the development of a global, integrated approach for land use planning and environmental management based on the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Database Management Systems (DBMS). GIS and International Development (Clark Univ.) Clark University offers a twelve-month MS program, designed primarily for development, conservation, and planning practitioners who wish to build their skills and knowledge in GIS applications. GIS at the University of Michigan Information on GIS programs and data sets provided by the University of Michigan. GIS Educational Outreach at the USGS Rocky Mountain Mapping Center The mission of the U.S. Geological Survey's Outreach and Education Program is to educate data users in the use and application of USGS products and services. GIS Facility at the University of Michigan's School of Natural Resources Recognizing the centrality of GIS and remote sensing to environmental problem solving, the SNR is rapidly expanding its capacity for research, teaching, and training using these technologies. GIS Master Bibliography Project The GIS master bibliography project is an initiative undertaken by professor Duane Marble of Ohio State University to create a comprehensive bibliography of GIS related research and literature. GIS Online This site is a companion to the new book, GIS Online: Information Retrieval, Mapping, and the Internet. GIS USA, Inc. GIS USA, Inc. is a collaboration of resources focused on providing cost efficient and effective GIS planning and analysis products and services for industry and government. GISRS-JOBS Employment opportunities for GIS and remote sensing specialists. Gittings' Digital Elevation Data Catalog Text document on available DEM sources. Graticule Makers of MapServer Pro and other GIS software products. -H-Harvard Design & Mapping, Inc.HDM provides GIS services in data management and custom applications solutions from single users and workgroups to enterprise-wide solutions and web applications. How Far Is It? Provides the longitude and latitude of two locations, and then provides the distance between them. -I-Illinois Natural History Survey GISThe Illinois Natural History Survey Geographic Information System is made up of eight persons, gigabytes of data, 15 workstations, two digitizing boards, several printers, GPS units, and other various devices. Information Center for the Environment at UC-Davis Project information and data sets from the Information Center for the Environment at the University of California, Davis. Intergraph A global company supplying interactive computer graphics systems. Intergraph develops hardware and technical software applications requiring state-of-the-art interactive computer graphics. -J--K-KIBERSOA Russian consulting company headed by group of former military industry scientists, who had a major experience and unusual approach to geoinformatics, digital map production, and high accuracy vehicle navigation. -L-LinnetCanadian firm that is a data provider for mapping applications. -M-MALSAT - Environmental Information Systems for Malaria and MeningitisThe MALSAT team consists of a small group of researchers who are investigating the 'Eco-epidemiology' of vector-borne diseases using GIS and applications of local remote sensing techniques. Map Maker Pro Windows-based, reasonably priced GIS software. MapData Online Provider of mapping products for a variety of GIS and desktop mapping applications. MapInfo Commercial software vendor for mapping applications. Mapping Standards USGS geospatial standards for mapping. Maps On Us Yellow pages linked to locator maps. A great finder of business locations. MAPublisher MAPublisher lets cartographers import maps and map database tables in Adobe Illustrator and Macromedia Freehand for manipulation and editing. Mentor Software, Inc. Mentor Software provides mapping professionals the tools needed to efficiently build accurate and complete geographic databases. Michigan Department of Environmental Quality MDEQ's mission is to drive improvements in environmental quality for the protection of public health and natural resources to benefit current and future generations. Michigan Department of Natural Resources MDNR is committed to the conservation, protection, management, use and enjoyment of the State's natural resources for current and future generations. MicroImages, Inc. Developer of commercial image processing and GIS software. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources - ArcView Extensions Nice set of ArcView extensions and add-ons including tools for viewing DOQs and DRGs. Minnesota Legislative Subcommittee On GIS The main function of the GIS Office is to provide the Legislature with the means to do Redistricting once every 10 years in conjunction with the Census. The Redistricting process uses many map layer data sets which the GIS Office provides and assists in maintaining. The GIS Office is the repository of statewide boundary information for legislative use. -N-National Center for Data MiningThe goal of NCDM is to serve as a national resource for research, knowledge transfer, standards development, outreach, and related efforts in data mining and data intensive computing. National Gap Analysis Program The mission of the Gap Analysis Program (GAP) is to provide regional assessments of the conservation status of native vertebrate species and natural land cover types and to facilitate the application of this information to land management activities. National Geodetic Survey Home site of the National Geodetic Survey. National Imagery and Mapping Agency The former Defense Mapping Agency. Provides mapping and imagery information to civilian and military sectors. National Imagery and Mapping Agency: Geospatial Standards and Specifications Data specifications for various NIMA products. National Land Survey of Finland The National Land Survey of Finland (NLS) produces and provides information on and services in real estate, topography and the environment for the needs of customers and the community at large. The NLS is responsible for Finland's cadastral system and general mapping assignments. It also promotes the shared use of geographic information. National Mapping Division Mapping products and services provided by the United States government. The National Mapping Division is part of the United States Geological Survey. National Technology Transfer Center The National Technology Transfer Center (NTTC) was established in 1989 by Congress to provide American companies and individuals with access to federal R&D to better enable them to compete in the international marketplace. NCGIA GIS Core Curriculum The Core Curriculum literature provides fundamental course content assistance for educators as lecture materials. Nice Geography Sites This is a collection of examples of geography-related sites all over the world hosted by Utrecht University. -O-Object FXDeveloper of Java-powered spatial apps. Organized Crime: A Crime Statistics Site Organized crime statistics and rates featuring a user's guide and tutorial. -P-Pierssen PublishingPublishers of Point-Line-Poly, a journal that provides technical assistance on GIS issues. This site offers an abundance of resources and add-ons for IDRISI, ARC/INFO, and ArcView. Plot-It Software Plotting software that is very useful for graphing data. Polestar Geomatics Pole Star Geomatics is a Canadian consulting firm specializing in the application of geomatics to natural resource management and environmental science. Project Alexandria The Alexandria Project is a consortium of researchers, developers, and educators, spanning the academic, public, and private sectors, exploring a variety of problems related to a distributed digital library for geographically-referenced information. -Q--R-Rapid Imaging Software, Inc.Rapid Imaging Software produces products that are a blend of high-performance 3-D graphics and multimedia data about the natural world. Portable to the WWW as VRML. LandForm Gold and LandFormC3 fully functional demo versions are available at the site. Research Planning, Inc. Research Planning, Inc. provides expertise in three main areas: 1) Environmental and Coastal Resources Management, 2) Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and 3) Oil Spill Technology. -S-Scan/USBusiness Geographics software suite. Science Applications International Corporation SAIC is the largest employee-owned research and engineering company in the United States. Siegfried Schulte's Geographic Information and Mapping Courses A series of three courses for learning geographic information processing. Excellent set of diagrams and other useful GIS information provided, as well as course materials. South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission Information on South Pacific research and data sets. South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission's Listing of Satellite Imagery Availability Very nice listing of specifications of recent earth observing satellites by SOPAC. Spatial Graphics A Canadian firm providing expertise in GIS, digital mapping, geomatics and other computer graphics related applications. Spatial Graphics' ArcView Add-Ons, Avenue extensions, and Scripts A great set of links to helpful ArcView plug-ins. Spatial Information Customer Support Center SICSC is an imagery and geospatial information facility located in McLean, VA. They provide a full range of imagery and geospatial products and services, including maps, GIS, imagery, web sites, databases, training, and infrastructure support services. Spatial News On-line GIS news web site. Statistics Every Writer Should Know So should every GIS practitioner. A nice write-up on basic statistics. Helpful for students. Sterling Software Developer of mapping application client servers. -T-Terrain Data Representation BranchBranch of the US Army involved with the development of terrain visualization techniques for use in battlefield visualization and virtual reality applications. Terratech Mapping Services Inc. Canadian consulting group Specializing in natural resource management and business geographics. 3DI Consultant providing GIS and softcopy photogrammetry services. Three-Dimensional Geographer Commercial software utilized for 3-D mapping. Toxic Release Inventory ESRI provides this web-based mapping tool for finding the location of toxic release sites by zip code. -U-United Nations Environment Programme GRID-AGRID-Arendal aims to be an internationally recognized information center providing decision-makers and the public with improved access to high quality environmental information and supporting the United Nations Environment Programme in expanding the use of such information for awareness-raising, policy-making and action. United States Environmental Protection Agency-National GIS Program The Office of Information Resources Management established a National Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Program in 1987, to manage, coordinate and promote EPA's integrated use of spatial data. United States Superfund Program On thousands of properties across the United States, there are uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous waste sites, such as abandoned warehouses and landfills. Citizen concern over the extent of this problem led Congress to establish the Superfund Program in 1980 to locate, investigate, and clean up the worst sites nationwide. University of California - Berkeley Library Web's Guide to GIS Resources on the Internet An exceptional set of links to an abundance of GIS information and data. University of South Carolina's ESRI Extensions and Scripts Nice set of ESRI extensions and scripts to help your GIS research with ArcView. Unofficial ARC/INFO and ArcView Symbol Sets Site Fantastic site to start you off on your way to navigating around the WWW to find the right symbol sets for your ARC/INFO and ArcView tasks. USA Counties 1996 USA Counties, from the Census Bureau, compiles useful demographic, economic, and governmental information spanning several years and sources for county comparisons and profiles. -V-VectaportProvides services and programming for spatial data analyses tasks. Vinton Valentine's Software Listing Listing of both image processing and GIS software products available on the market today. Started by Oliver Weatherbee, it includes discussions on vector and raster GIS as well as software comparisons. Links to shareware GIS software as well. Visio Mapping Software Producer of data exploration and mapping products for business. -W-World Resources Institute (WRI)WRI has used information and knowledge as tools to move human society to live in ways that protect Earth's environment and its capacity to provide for the needs and aspirations of current and future generations. Wotsit's Format? The complete programmer's resource on the net. Wotsit's Format contains file format information on hundreds of different file types and all sorts of other useful programming information (e.g. algorithms, source code, specifications, etc.). -X--Y--Z-
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